How to Design Your Bedroom and What to Plan Before You Start
Designing your bedroom is quite a challenge. You need to create a comfortable and unique oasis that you'll never get sick of.
It's the room you'll unknowingly spend most of your time in, so you have to make it count. Right?
Here's how you start planning to create the bedroom of your dreams:
Have a clean slate
The best way to design your bedroom is to start with a room devoid of any details. You want a clean slate that will allow your imagination to go wild.
With a room that's already somewhat decorated, you'll be thinking within a framework that's already been established. Clear it out and you'll be able to think outside the box when designing.
Before you start adding decorations, you need to think about the bedroom wall color. What color do you feel would go well with the design you're planning?
It doesn't have to be a solid single hue, you can introduce multiple colors to your bedroom walls. Having one wall a different color would definitely turn it into a focal point of the room. Placing your bed up against this wall would also add something to focus on.
With the color chosen, you can move on to the smaller details of the room.
Stick to unique pieces

If you've ever browsed an Ikea, you're likely to have seen a ton of furniture sets that you adore.
While these designs might look great when displayed at a store, they get painfully dull after a while. You shouldn't resort to using furniture set as it robs you of a unique design of your own. You should aim to give your room a touch of your own tastes.
Pick out furniture and details that have nothing to do with one another. You can build a look that will evolve over time as you find new pieces. With furniture sets, you're pretty much stuck with a certain look that can't change all that much.
Any time you find a new piece of furniture, it will have to look nearly identical to match the pieces that are already there. This is why adding some variety should be your main goal.
Plus, it would add personality to your room if you only introduced pieces you thought would match the aesthetic.
Don't go too thematic
Not every bedroom needs a theme, but it's always nice to have something that will guide your design choices. If you're following a theme, make sure you don't go too overboard with it. A few pieces here and there are more than enough to represent a theme.
Whatever theme you choose, it has to be consistent, but subtle. If you decide on a metallic theme, don't make every single piece of furniture have a glossy metallic look. This won't evoke the feeling of a comfortable bedroom. It would look more like a theme park than a bedroom.
Whatever theme you decide to use, it shouldn't overpower the rest of the décor.
Choose the right rug

Your bedroom flooring details need to be on point if you want to make a cozy oasis for yourself.
The floor or carpet in your bedroom is the last thing that your feet will touch before you decide to go to bed. It's also the first thing you'll touch as you get out of bed in the morning, so make it comfortable!
When it comes to comfortable bedroom rugs and their designs, all bets are off. You can pick out some of the wildest and most outlandish rugs out there. Rugs are great candidates for a room's focal point, especially if they're colorful and textured.
Most modern room designs will include a powerful rug that catches the eye. The best part is that there are tons of thematic rugs that can go with your ideal vision of the bedroom, so you don't have to hesitate.
Take your time
It's unlikely that you'll finish designing your bedroom in a single day.
Rome wasn't built in a day, and there's no reason you should rush to complete your room any time soon. The longer you plan and wait, the better it'll turn out.
Take the time to choose the best furniture for your room without rushing into it. Don't pick up too many pieces at once, as you might not be able to make them fit with the layout and design that you had planned.
Piece by piece, you should be able to create the perfect bedroom in time.
Designing the ideal bedroom for your tastes isn't particularly easy.
It's a constantly evolving process that will require that you plan out the original design right at the start.
With a bit of planning and furniture shopping, you should be able to reach your goal in no time.